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Policy Statement & Objectives for Health, Safety & Enviroment

It is the policy of the DAR to ensure that all necessary practical safety measures are planned and implemented to promote and maintain DAR’s high health and safety standards. To set up standards that align with the concept of proactive safety management.
DAR safety standards are achievable and based on tried and tested methods. They call for high commitment to safety from all levels of management, which includes all subcontractors; such measures include:
  • Protecting the health and safety of all personnel, including members of the public who may be affected by the project operations and, in particular, children.
  • As well as complying with known local statutory legislation, commit the project to using best safety practices.
  • Ensure that all planning considers the health and safety of persons and environmental concerns.
  • Provide and maintain plants, places, and systems of work that are safe and without health risks.
  • Provide trained, experienced, competent, and committed management and supervision.
  • Ensure that all levels of employees receive appropriate, adequate instruction, training, and supervision.
  • Establish effective communications and joint consultations with subcontractors and others who are involved in the project so that matters affecting health and are understood and properly implemented.
  • Periodically review the safety: this policy applies to all DAR-controlled or occupied operations and premises.


  • Compliance with the relevant UAE legislations and laws and those of clients.
  • Safeguard the health, welfare, and safety of all persons affected by our work.
  • Safeguard the health, welfare, and safety of all persons affected by our work. Protection of properties and environment.
  • Providing appropriate training to all employees.
  • Improving communications and transparency to maintain a perfect accident reporting practice.
  • Devote adequate resources to maintain appropriate fulfillment of this policy.
  • Maintain strict HEALTH & SAFETY Monitoring programs to ensure the implementation of the HEALTH & SAFETY management system.
  • Make this Policy Statement known to all employees.
  • Review policy statement every 12 months.


  • Zero fatalities in all our sites.
  • Limit the Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) to below 1.0.
  • Achieving an acceptable Lost Time Accident Rate (LTAR).
  • Minimize impact on the environment.
  • Conservation of natural resources.